Dear Jesus,
I would like to deserve blessing for my dear friend who is rest in a peace, Joan. I miss you and pray for your family to be stronger and happy without sadness. God, bring the peaceful and blissful life for her in another world. Thank you Jesus and pray in Jesus name, Ahmen!
This is a sad news that i heard at CNY time that only 2nd day. She is young, pretty and lovely girl who should deserved more blissful life. No matter what causes that take her life away and i miss her still. I shock of this and no more chances to meet you anyway my dear friend. God bless you.
New year time with flooding around in Sibu. What a annoying!!! what are the goverment doing there? sigh...... speechless with all these.
Really boring and nothing much with CNY as year by year and growing up . One thing really more important is FAMILY that all my beloved. Perfer more times spending with family rather than friends as not much time enjoy with them and we wouldn't know what will be happen the next day.
Anyway, a new year ahead and wanna bless everyone stay with peaceful and joyful life, healthy as well. God Bless.