Monday 17 January 2011

Wrap The Tiger, Open The Rabbit

The last post was August 2010.

There's no any new entry for about 5 months from me. Just simple, it's not about nothing much happened to me but "busying", "lazing", and "timeless" took away my eyes on this blog.

And now, I'm just waiting to wrap-up the year of Tiger and to embrace The Rabbit Year. It is just another 2 weeks.


不知不觉, 一年过去,又年长了一岁,反观事业未有成,理想中的梦想即将到标而却未有一丝动静。 开始了五脏六腑的奔腾。。。 紧张了。。

还有,我想要拥有一个家, 一个自己的家, 一个温暖的家。但,看来,还需有等时。。。

不论如何,希望兔子年可以带来我好运,完成心中所想的理想。。。 。。。

Wednesday 18 August 2010


近来,有些阻歇, 三心两意。。。

步伐停顿,筹措不前, 已是成人时,很多时候太多事, 太多的包袱会挽上身, 害怕担心也接踵而来,至此难以下抉择。。。

平常心。。。 。。。 平常心。。。 。。。 外人的眼光不重要,只要有家人的了解和支持。。。 颇为重要。。。


Friday 9 July 2010

幸福 Simple way to be "happiness"



要好好地珍惜,呵护这刚茁壮成长的幼苗。 。 。 。 。 。


Tuesday 29 June 2010

Bye vs Hello

Half of the year gone, and there is only 5 and half months left. I just done nothing at the past.. time flies away from me...

Things are slowly changed, and so do i. It will be happened and it'll happen, we've to take it, face it. Good thing is, everything seems to be very positive and looking forward.

Say 'bye bye' to the past, to the negative, and say 'hello' to the present, to the positive. Time will prove it...

Don't create any obstacles at there, and it will run smoothly... remember, we make things work, rather than work on it by waiting...

Bye Bye....

Tuesday 27 April 2010



说了解,相信还没有人可以真的彻底了解,甚至自己都不解自己,那又能奢求他人的了解麽? ??



好想把一切抛之脑后,继续向前努力的奔跑,向前冲,到达那梦想的地点和成就。。。 。。。



Sunday 4 April 2010

Be myself

We are the reason....

Tears and sorrow filled with my heart while i listening to this song. Pretty moody at these two days and continuous bloating & vomiting for 2 nights.

Getting sick? no ideas... just an uncomfortable feeling heading to my mind. I would love to keep myself at a point of peacefulness ... whereas, ....

oh well, wipe them off!!!! Just to be myself...

Tuesday 30 March 2010


幸福没有那么容易,才会特别让人着迷,想念最伤心,但却最动心的记忆。。。 。。。